During the same seasons the differences between RCAO and RCA3 wit

During the same seasons the differences between RCAO and RCA3 with HadCM3_ref forcing are also the largest. The uncertainty could be explained by the biases of the control climate and the related reduction of the sea ice – albedo feedback. Because of the winter warm bias in ECHAM5 driven simulations during the control period (Figure Buparlisib 7), sea ice concentration and thickness are reduced in the present climate (Figure 9), such that in the future climate the increased warming effect of the sea ice – albedo feedback is artificially reduced. The mean ice cover reduction is larger in RCAO-HadCM3_ref A1B than in RCAO-ECHAM5 A1B (Figure

9). At the end of the 21st century fairly severe winters will still

be found in RCAO-HadCM3_ref A1B, whereas all winters are mild in RCAO-ECHAM5 A1B (Figure 9), but in neither simulation will any winter be completely ice free by the end of this century. Regional details of the sea ice cover are more realistically simulated in RCAO than in most GCMs, which suffer from their coarser horizontal resolution (not shown). Consequently, 10 m wind speed changes in areas of reduced sea ice cover are larger in RCAO than in RCA3 simulations (Figure 11, upper panels) because of the increased SSTs and the related reduced static stability of the planetary boundary layer, PBL (cf. Meier et al. 2006). For instance, in the Bothnian Bay maximum winter mean 10 m wind speed changes over the sea of about 1 m s−1 are found in RCAO-HadCM3_ref A1B. Both 10 m mean wind speed and gustiness increase during winter as a result

of the changing http://www.selleckchem.com/products/bay80-6946.html stability (Figure 11, lower panels). Changes during the other seasons are statistically not significant (not shown). In the RCA3-ECHAM5 A1B simulation wind and gustiness changes are statistically not significant at all seasons (not shown). The ice albedo – feedback PAK5 affects both air temperature and SST changes between future and present climates. Figure 12 shows seasonal mean SST changes in RCAO-HadCM3_ref A1B and RCAO-ECHAM5 A1B. The largest SST changes are found during spring in the Bothnian Sea and Gulf of Finland and during summer in the Bothnian Bay. If the ice cover does not vanish completely from the Bothnian Sea, the ice will at least melt here earlier during spring (from March to May). Hence, the largest SST response during spring is expected to occur in the Bothnian Sea. Later during summer (from June to August, with June being the most important month), the ice cover will also retreat in the Bothnian Bay, causing the maximum SST increase to shift northwards from the Bothnian Sea into the Bothnian Bay. Maximum SST changes amount to about 4°C and 8°C in RCAO-ECHAM5 A1B and RCAO-HadCM3_ref A1B respectively. For precipitation changes we refer to the studies by Kjellström & Lind (2009) and Kjellström et al. (2011).

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