metallireducens genome (PDF 94 KB) Additional File 6: Figure S2

metallireducens genome. (PDF 94 KB) Additional File 6: Figure S2. A family of 49 predicted regulatory RNA elements in G. metallireducens , containing four heptanucleotide repeats (consensus GGACCGG). This is an alignment of 49 DNA sequences that were matched by nucleotide-level BLAST. These elements are found within genes, sometimes more than once per gene, as well as between genes. The sequence strand and start and stop nucleotide positions are indicated. (PDF 24 KB) Additional File 7: Figure S3. Predicted global regulator binding sites (class 1). This is an alignment of 48 DNA sequences that were matched by nucleotide-level BLAST. Each site contains four tandem octanucleotide RG7112 supplier repeats

(consensus GTTGCTYN), the outer two being poorly conserved. The distance between each pair of sites (on opposite strands) is variable. Each sequence begins at the right extremity of the top line (the 3′ side of the “”-”" strand of the chromosome),

loops on the left side (switching strands), and continues to the right extremity of the bottom line (the 3′ side of the “”+”" strand of the chromosome); start and stop nucleotide positions are indicated. Insertion sequences of the ISGme8 or ISGme9 families may be found at a fixed distance from either or both sites of a pair; these occurrences SCH727965 research buy are indicated on the appropriate lines. (PDF 35 KB) Additional File 8: Figure S4. Predicted global regulator binding sites (class 2). This is an alignment of 47 DNA sequences that were matched by nucleotide-level BLAST. Each of 21 paired sites, four sites that also belong to class 1, and one possibly vestigial unpaired site contains three tandem repeats (consensus TCTCCGTS[Y]). The distance between each pair of sites (on opposite strands) is variable.

Each sequence begins at the right extremity of the top line (the 3′ side of the “”-”" strand of the chromosome), loops on the left side (switching strands), and continues to the right extremity of the bottom line (the 3′ side of the “”+”" strand of the chromosome); start and stop nucleotide positions are indicated. (PDF 35 KB) Additional File 9: Figure S5. Predicted global regulator binding sites (class 3). This is an alignment of 16 DNA sequences that were matched by nucleotide-level BLAST. Sitaxentan Fifteen of the sites consist of five tandem heptanucleotide repeats (consensus MTYCTGA). Each sequence begins at the right extremity of the top line (the 3′ side of the “”-”" strand of the chromosome), loops on the left side (switching strands), and continues to the right extremity of the bottom line (the 3′ side of the “”+”" strand of the chromosome); start and stop nucleotide positions are indicated. (PDF 16 KB) Additional File 10: Table S5. Cytochrome c biogenesis gene clusters of G. sulfurreducens and G. metallireducens , and associated c -type cytochromes. This table compares the clusters of genes predicted to be involved in biogenesis of c-type cytochromes in G. sulfurreducens and G. metallireducens.

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