The Raman shift was obtained by fitting the Raman signal with the asymmetric Lorentzian functions, and the particle size corresponded to the maximum NSC 683864 of the lognormal distribution of crystalline Si-np
sizes measured by HRTEM (see Figure 9). Then, we compared our experimental results with the Richter, Wang, and Ley (RWL) model [47] and the bond polarizability (BP) model [48] that account for the QCE on optical phonons in crystalline Si-np. In these two models, the Raman redshift can be presented as a function of the Si-np size using the analytical expression: (4) where Δω is the frequency redshift; a, the Si lattice parameter (a = 0.543 nm); d, the crystalline Si-np diameter; and β and γ, the model parameters (β = 52.3 cm−1 and γ = 1.586 for the RWL model, and β = 47.41 cm−1 and γ = 1.44 for the
BP model). Interestingly, one can notice that our experimental results are in good agreement with the previous works suggesting that the latter models can be applied to crystalline Si-np embedded in Si nitride as well. Figure 8 Crystalline Si peaks in Raman spectra selleck compound of SiN x films for various refractive indexes. Raman spectra of the films produced by the N2-reactive and the co-sputtering methods are displayed with empty and full symbols, respectively. The inset shows the Raman frequency redshift as a function of the crystalline Si-np average size measured by HRTEM. The curves of the RWL and BP models are shown for comparison. BCKDHA Figure 9 HRTEM image (a), diffraction pattern (b), and Si selleckchem nanocrystal size distribution (c). HRTEM In order to further investigate the microstructure of the 1100°C-annealed films, HRTEM observations have been performed on several thin films with various n > 2.5. Figure 9b shows the diffraction pattern of one film with n = 2.89.
One can observe three quasi-continuous rings corresponding to various orientations of c-Si because of the presence of randomly oriented crystalline Si-np. These numerous crystalline Si-np can be easily distinguished from the host matrix (Figure 9a) because of the lattice fringes of c-Si. They are rather small with an average size of about 6.0 ± 0.5 nm (Figure 9c). XRD Figure 10 shows the effect of the annealing temperature on the XRD patterns of one SiN x layer produced by the co-sputtering method with n = 2.89. One can observe that two new peaks of c-Si with the (111) and (220) orientations distinctly emerge in the XRD pattern upon annealing at 1100°C, which demonstrates the formation of a c-Si phase in the material. Figure 10 Evolution of the XRD pattern of a SiN x layer as a function of the annealing temperature. In Figure 11, the evolution of the XRD pattern of the 1100°C-annealed films with n is shown.