(2008). The mean stop-signal delay was calculated and then subtracted from the mean untrimmed response time for all go trials. The overall mean SSRT was 262 ms (SD = 35 ms). Further analysis of the distribution of scores failed to observe significant evidence of significant skew (.20, SE = .25) or kurtosis (.46, SE = .49). As predicted, a significant negative correlation was observed between SSRT and RIF-z, r = −.22, p = .03. As shown in Fig. 3, faster SSRT scores predicted greater levels of retrieval-induced forgetting. This finding replicates the results in the category-plus-stem condition of INK128 Experiment 1, and confirms the prediction that retrieval-induced
forgetting is positively related to inhibitory control. Importantly, the relationship between retrieval-induced forgetting and http://www.selleckchem.com/GSK-3.html SSRT could not be explained by greater strengthening of practiced items during retrieval practice for subjects with faster SSRTs. SSRT scores did not predict greater benefits from retrieval practice on the final test (r = .10, p = .32), and the correlation between retrieval-induced forgetting and SSRT remained significant even when controlling for variance in these benefits (pr = −.20, p < .05). The present findings support the correlated costs and benefits framework of
inhibitory control. Inhibition has the capacity to both impair and facilitate cognitive processes and, as a consequence, predicting the relationship between hypothesized individual differences in inhibitory control ability and inhibitory aftereffect phenomena (like retrieval-induced forgetting) requires a careful consideration of how they are measured. For example, in the present example of retrieval-induced forgetting, although significant negative correlations were observed between stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) and retrieval-induced forgetting in the category-plus-stem and item-recognition conditions, a significant positive correlation
was observed in the category-cued Rebamipide condition. That is, participants with faster SSRTs, indicating better inhibitory control abilities (Logan & Cowan, 1984), exhibited more retrieval-induced forgetting in the item-specific conditions than did participants with slower SSRTs, whereas the opposite effect was observed in the category-cued final test condition. This pattern confirms the predictions made by the correlated costs and benefits framework (Anderson & Levy, 2007): when a category-cued test is employed, participants become vulnerable to interference at final test, thus increasing the proportion of the retrieval-induced forgetting effect caused by interference and reducing its relationship to the measure of inhibition. We predicted that the correlation between inhibitory control ability and retrieval-induced forgetting would be less positive in the category-cued condition than in the category-plus-stem condition, which was confirmed. However, this relationship was not simply less positive, it was significantly negative.