1 selleck compound or 0.5 mg Mn/m(3) for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk over a 90-d period. The original model structure with well-mixed and “”deep”" compartments for each tissue could not describe rapid increases in tissue concentrations and rapid declines seen in high concentration inhalation studies. A second structure was developed that included (1) saturable, high-affinity binding of Mn in all tissues and (2) asymmetric diffusion from blood into brain (i.e., transport into and out of specific

brain regions such as the striatum was described with different diffusion constants). This second model was consistent with liver and striatum experimental data. Preferential increases in some brain regions were predicted for exposures above 0.2 mg/m(3) and had

a rapid (i.e., 1 or 2 wk) return to steady-state levels. Multi-dose-route PBPK models for Mn based on this alternative model structure can be readily scaled to evaluate tissue VS-4718 in vivo Mn kinetics in other species and for human populations. Once validated across test animals, these PBPK models will be useful in tissue-dose based risk assessment with manganese.”
“The extracellular matrix is known to be involved in neuronal communication and the regulation of plastic changes, and also considered to protect neurons and synapses against damage. The goal of this study was to investigate how major extracellular matrix components (aggrecan, link protein, hyaluronan) constitute the pathways of the nigral system in the human basal ganglia circuit affected by neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease. Here we show that aggrecan- and link protein-related components form clear regional distribution patterns, whereas hyaluronan is widely distributed in gray and white matter. Two predominant phenotypes of the aggrecan-based matrix can be discriminated: (1) perineuronal nets (PNs) and (2) axonal coats (ACs) encapsulating preterminal fibers mafosfamide and synaptic boutons. Clearly contoured PNs are associated with GABAergic projection neurons in the external and internal division

of the globus pallidus, the lateral and reticular part of the substantia nigra, as well as subpopulations of striatal and thalamic inhibitory interneurons. Dopaminergic nigral neurons are devoid of PNs but are contacted to a different extent by matrix-coated boutons forming subnucleus-specific patterns. A very dense network of ACs is characteristic especially of the posterior lateral cell groups of the compact substantia nigra (nigrosome 1). In the subthalamic nucleus and the lateral thalamic nuclei numerous AC-associated axons were attached to principal neurons devoid of PNs. We conclude from the region-specific patterns that the aggrecan-based extracellular matrix is adapted to the fast processing of sensorimotor activities which are the therapeutic target of surgery and deep brain stimulation in the treatment of advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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