32 In the same study the participants described the phenomenon as

32 In the same study the participants described the phenomenon as an explosive and uncontrolled anger, which can be expressed by slamming doors, punching the wall, breaking Windows, destroying furniture and throwing food on the walls. The uncertainty of not knowing what cause the anger makes

the situation a dramatic and threatening experience.32 As already mentioned is frequent the use of alcoholic beverages by intimate partner and the abuse of other drugs, which dictate or precipitate the violence click here during pregnancy. Some authors believe that the use of alcohol facilitates the acts of violence, since it modifies the behavior patterns, creating conditions for discussions, insults, name-calling, insults and threats which Enzalutamide manufacturer may culminate in sexual and physical assaults.11, 12 and 15 A study conducted in Campinas, Brazil, proved that the consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs by intimate partner represents a greater likelihood of violence against pregnant women. Such situation can lead to delays in

seeking help and, consequently, interventions that would minimize the effects of violence or discontinue these acts.1, 11 and 15 Analyzing the factors that precipitate the IPV during pregnancy, it is possible to affirm that violence is a factor that causes illness not only the victim but also the partner, in this case, the pregnant woman, and the aggressor suffer possible behavioral disorders and/or mental disorders.

The mental health care, therefore, should extend the victim and the aggressor. The impact of violence against women during pregnancy involves physical and psychological damage to the woman and to her child. The damage extends to the gynecological and sexual complaints, and several obstetric consequences as unwanted pregnancies,15 start prenatal retardation,15, 18 and 19 abortion and natimortality,20 low birthweigh,19 preterm labor and fetal loss.23 and 24 May also be present chronic pelvic pain, headache, spastic colons’ disease,25 depression, attempted suicide and posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and use of drugs.28 Violence STK38 during pregnancy can have serious consequences for women’s health, including bleeding and the interruption of pregnancy.18 As for the health of the child, there is an increased risk of perinatal mortality and for newborns with low birth weight or prematurity.15 Violence, especially practiced by the partner, has a major contribution to the development of depression in women, being also responsible for the increase in the number of abortions.19 Such a study was conducted in Australia, a country in which abortion is allowed legally. In this cohort study, it was proven that 43% of women who reported partner violence in 1996, definite themselves as depressed and 45% who suffered violence by partner in 2000.

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