A self-consistent analysis was proposed for the prediction of vis

A self-consistent analysis was proposed for the prediction of viscoelastic response of the interphase between PP matrix and CRH particles. A three-phase model was 4-Hydroxytamoxifen chemical structure applied in a reverse mode, and the viscoelastic behavior of the interphase was extracted and compared with the unfilled matrix. Differential scanning calorimetry results indicated that CRH influences crystallization temperature as well as the degree of crystallinity of the composites. An entrapped polymer within CRH filler and PP matrix was detected by scanning electron microscope, which can be

attributed to the interfacial layer with a good adhesion between the main components. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 120: 1642-1651, 2011″
“We present an approach for electrically manipulating nuclear spins in

n-GaAs using an on-chip microcoil. Optically injected spin-polarized electrons are used to generate a dynamic nuclear polarization via electron-nucleus hyperfine interaction with a characteristic check details time constant of similar to 10 min. The saturated Overhauser field amplitude is on the order of several 10 mT and proportional to the spin polarization degree of the injected electrons. Applying an rf field resonant for the As-75 nuclei, complete depolarization of As-75 nuclear spins is observed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3530731]“
“PURPOSE: To evaluate the ultrastructural effect of trypan blue 0.1% staining for capsulorhexis on lens epithelial cells (LECs) and capsules

SETTING: Division of Ophthalmology. University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

METHODS: Before capsulorhexis, patients were randomly assigned to 1 of 2

groups Trypan blue 0 1% staining VX-770 molecular weight was performed in the treatment group No trypan blue was used in the control group Samples of capsules with LECs were fixed and analyzed with routine optical microscopy techniques. immunohistochemistry for beclin-1 expression (a marker of autophagy), terminal deoxynucleotidyl transf erase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling to detect apoptosis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Morphometric analyses were performed. and the 2 sets of data were compared.

RESULTS: Each group comprised 15 patients Cell death by autophagy and apoptosis was observed in the treatment group but not in the control group The TEM images of subcapsular epithelium cells showed mitochondria’ rupture, dilation of the cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum, increased cytoplasmic and nuclear electron density, and abnormalities in the nuclear profile of trypan blue-stained cells. Morphometric analysis showed statistically significant differences between the 2 groups in the longest nuclear axes and the ratio between the total nuclear perimeter and the cell area (P = .03) The difference in capsule thickness between groups was not significant.

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