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TS, XCB and ZYL participated in its design and carried out the molecular experiments. XLZ revised it critically. BCS guaranted the whole study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Cancer is a disease in which a group of cells in the body displays uncontrolled proliferation, invasion, and sometimes metastasis. Malignant cancers are known by their ability to escape from their original location and metastasize to the lymph nodes or other organs. Metastases are the main cause of cancer mortality; therefore diagnoses

of metastatic cancer are critical for making therapeutic decisions. not Non-metastatic tumors are usually treatable by surgical resection. For patients with cancer that has spread or metastasized, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of chemotherapy and radiation can be offered as treatment. Diagnosing cancer metastasis by assaying the level of serological markers of patients is relatively non-invasive. Serum markers that can detect cancer metastasis should be highly useful for screening, diagnosis, prognosis, assessment of therapeutic responses, and monitoring for recurrence of cancer and thus can provide information for taking medical practice to new levels of precision [1, 2]. CSE1L/CAS, the cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein, was identified in a studying of an antisense cDNA fragment that is capable of causing MCF-7 human breast cancer cells resistant to apoptosis induced by bacterial toxins such as Pseudomonas exotoxin, diphtheria toxin, and tumor necrosis factor [3]. CSE1L is the human homologue of the yeast chromosome segregation gene, CSE1, and it encodes a 971-amino acid protein with an approximately 100-kDa molecular masses distributing in the cytoplasm and nuclei of cells [4].

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