Carrier and disease isolates belonging to a particular ST type ha

Carrier and disease isolates belonging to a particular ST type had the same patterns. Raw microarray data of 33 isolates is provided as an Additional file 1. In a few cases where results were ambiguous, results have been confirmed with PCRs. PFGE Figure 2A represents PFGE patterns of one representative isolate from each ST and 2B the dendrogram of PFGE depicting the relatedness of patterns based on the similarities derived from the UPGMA and dice coefficients using the Quantity one software.

All profiles were different from each other and were distinct patterns characteristic of the ST. Figure 2 A: PFGE patterns of  SmaI   digested isolates showing different sequence types of Indian  S. aureus.  Lane: 1, 8,15 – NCTC8325, Lane 2 – ST22, Lane 3 – Natural Product Library cell line ST6, Lane 4 – ST7, Lane 5 – ST45, Lane 6 – ST1208, Lane 7 – ST72, Lane 9 – ST672, Lane 10 – ST199, Lane 11 – ST772, Lane 12 – ST5, Lane 13 – ST30, Lane 14 – ST121. B: Dendrogram of PFGE based on similarities derived from the UPGMA and dice coefficients using Quantity one software. CC22-ST22 ST22 is the major clone detected in 28% of the isolates present in both carrier and disease isolates. Methicillin resistance was detected in 68% in both groups, and the MRSA isolates had a SCCmec IV element. PFGE patterns of all ST22 isolates resembled

classical EMRSA-15 patterns with 3–4 band differences and were related variants [10]. Spa types from MSSA isolates differed from those of MRSA. ST22 is the clone most resistant to antibiotics with resistance to gentamicin and erythromycin, in MRSA as well as MSSA, both find more in carriers and infected patients. This Clomifene clone was agr type I, capsular type 5, PVL and egc positive. CC1-ST772 This is the second major clone present in our collection detected in 19% of the isolates both in carrier and disease isolates. Methicillin resistance was detected in 69% in both groups and the isolates had a SCCmec V element. Isolates with resistance to gentamicin and erythromycin were found in MRSA only, but both in carriers and infected patients. Spa types from MSSA isolates

differed from MRSA. This clone was agr type II, capsular type 5, PVL and egc positive. CC121-ST120 and ST121 The ST120/121 clones were detected in 10% of the isolates both in carriers and patients. Methicillin resistance as well as resistance to other antibiotics was not detected in any of the isolates. This clone was agr type IV, capsular type 8, PVL and egc positive. ST672 We are reporting a new sequence type from India, which appears to have the potential to be a founder clone. This clone was detected in 6% of the isolates in both carrier and disease isolates. Methicillin and gentamicin resistance was detected in 2 disease isolates with a SCCmec V element. Spa types from MSSA isolates differed from those of MRSA. This clone was agr type I, capsular type 8, PVL negative and egc and seb positive. CC8-ST1208 and ST72 ST1208 is a new single locus variant (SLV) of ST8 and ST72 is a double locus variant (DLV).

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