Forensic parameters were calculated for all samples (n = 19,630) and for all 23 markers of the PPY23 kit. To this end, DYS389II alleles were encoded by the difference, henceforth labeled DYS389II.I, between the total repeat number at DYS389II and the repeat number at DYS389I. DYS385ab haplotypes were treated as single alleles thereby ignoring the internal order of its two component alleles. Forensic parameters were calculated for the study as a whole and for meta-populations defined according to the continental or ethnic origin of the samples (see above). In particular, allele frequencies and haplotype
frequencies were estimated using the counting method. Single-marker genetic diversity (GD) was calculated as GD=n1−∑pi2/(n−1), following Nei [13] and [14], where n and Selleckchem Saracatinib pi denote the total number of samples and the relative frequency of the i-th allele, respectively. Haplotype
diversity (HD) was calculated analogous to GD. Match PD98059 probability (MP) was calculated as the sum of squared haplotype frequencies. The discrimination capacity (DC) was defined as the ratio between the number of different haplotypes and the total number of haplotypes. To benchmark the practical utility of the PPY23 panel for forensic casework, all haplotype-based analyses were repeated for various subsets of Y-STRs, namely the MHT (9 loci), SWGDAM (11 loci), PPY12 (12 loci) and Yfiler marker panels Tau-protein kinase (17 loci). The Yfiler and PPY23 panels also were compared to one another after confining both panels to Y-STRs with an amplicon length <220 bp. The extent of
population genetic structure in our data was assessed by means of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). More specifically, genetic distances between groups of males were quantified by RST, thereby taking the evolutionary distance between individual Y-STR haplotypes into account [15] and [16]. The DYS385ab marker was not included in the AMOVA because it does not allow easy calculation of evolutionary distances. Samples carrying a deletion, a null allele, an intermediate allele (i.e. an incomplete repeat unit), a duplication or a triplication at one or more markers were excluded from the AMOVA (n = 705, 3.6%), leaving 18,925 haplotypes for analysis (Supplementary Table S2). RST values resulting from continental grouping were compared among the PPY23, Yfiler, PPY12, SWGDAM, and MHT panels. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis served to visualize differences in Y-STR genetic variation between populations and was based upon pairwise linearized RST values for PPY23, that is RST/(1 − RST). MDS is commonly used to investigate genetic similarities between populations and has been described in detail elsewhere [17]. First, MDS analyses were performed for one to 10 dimensions considering either all 129 populations or the 68 European populations alone.