gondii infection could be mediated by this cell population Howev

gondii infection could be mediated by this cell population. However, as can be observed in a representative FACS analysis (Fig. 2A), the percentage of CD4+Foxp3+ cells BGB324 cost decreased at 7 dpi, and markedly dropped at 14 dpi. Results from several experiments showed that Treg-cell percentage decreased by 16.3% at 7 dpi and by 50.4% at 14 dpi (Fig. 2B)

when compared with control animals. A similar reduction in the absolute number of Foxp3+ cells was also detected (Fig. 2C), demonstrating that the decline in Treg-cell percentage is not consequence of a disparity in the proportion of other cell subsets. Further analysis of the residual Treg cells showed that at 7 dpi the percentage of natural Treg cells (Helios+) and induced Treg cells (Helios−) is comparable to that observed in uninfected animals, whereas at 14 dpi a slight reduction in the proportion of natural Treg cells was observed (Fig. 2D and E). The above results indicate that T. gondii-induced suppression concurs with a reduction in Treg cell number. In order to explain this apparent contradiction, we analysed the expression of activation markers in the residual Treg-cells. We focused on cells from mice at 7 dpi because at this time point immunosuppression was already detected and the number of Treg cells still allowed a proper analysis. Expression of CD25, CTLA-4 and GITR rose up in Foxp3+ cells from infected mice (2.5-, 3- and 0.5-fold,

respectively); the proportion LY294002 of Treg cells expressing these molecules was also slightly increased (Fig. 3). Analysis of additional activation molecules showed that the percentage of CD69+ and CD62L− cells increased 1.9- and 1.3-fold, respectively. Modulation of these molecules has already been reported after Treg-cell activation 25, 35–37. A significantly enhanced expression of CD69 was also detected; expression of CD62L and CD103 remained unchanged. DNA ligase Thus, although infection leads to a reduction in Treg-cell number, the residual cells display an activated phenotype. Treg-cell activation observed after

infection suggested that these cells might also increase their suppressive capacity. We thus compared the suppression capacity of Treg cells from infected and uninfected mice against target cells from uninfected animals. We initially carried out suppression assays using CD4+CD25+ cells as Treg cells and CD4+CD25− cells as target cells, and found a slight increase in the suppression capacity of CD4+CD25+ cells obtained from infected mice (data not shown). Although this separation protocol is the most commonly used, an increase in the CD4+Foxp3−CD25+ cell population, corresponding to activated T cells, is observed in infected mice (Fig. 4A, 1.3 versus 17.5%). Therefore, the CD4+CD25+ fraction used in that system was enriched with activated T cells, and the suppression capacity of Treg cells from infected animals cannot be addressed.

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