Health-related quality of life in elderly dialysis patients appears to be decreased compared with elderly persons in the general population[19] although may be better preserved
than in a younger cohort of patients where the perceived reduction in health-related quality of life associated with dialysis is greater.[20] Many factors will impact on a patient’s quality of life and may influence their decision to dialyse or not. An important concept is that of hospital free survival. Dialysis in elderly patients is associated with increased hospitalization with rates of hospitalization in elderly RRT patients of 20–35 days per year[9, 21] compared with 10–16 days per year[9, 17] in those on non-dialysis pathways. One UK study published by Carson et al.[9] concluded that elderly haemodialysis patients spent almost 50% of the time they survived in hospital or attending to dialysis compared with those on non-dialysis CHIR-99021 price pathways who spent just 4.3% of their days. This crucial information is frequently not imparted
to patients or considered by nephrologists when discussing the option of RRT. Evidence Bortezomib supplier also exists that elderly dialysis patients have one of the highest prevalence rates for frailty of any single population and that initiation of dialysis may be associated with considerable functional decline. Jassal et al.[22] showed that in those aged ≥80 who commenced dialysis (80% of whom were living independently at home), 30% had functional
loss 6 months after dialysis initiation (required community/carer support or transfer to a nursing home). Another study by Kurella Tamura et al.[14] showed that the majority of elderly nursing home residents have died (60%) or lost function (27%) 12 months after dialysis initiation. The elderly can have specific medical issues and needs that are best assessed by an Aged Care Physician. This is recommended particularly when assessment of cognitive function is a part of the considerations in determining whether dialysis is appropriate or not. Finally carers of elderly dialysis patients also have impaired quality of life with all components of The Short Form (36) Health Survey (SF36) affected and 32% of carers with signs of depression in one study.[23] We have no information on the impact of carers of elderly patients on non-dialysis pathways and further studies are required. acetylcholine Jennifer Robins and Ivor Katz Documenting five key variables important in determining mortality associated with dialysis: Nephrologist response to the Surprise Question. Age. Comorbidities. Functional status. Nutritional status. Use of the Surprise Question in all patients: on dialysis or those patients on, or being considered for, a non-dialysis pathway. Use of the clinical score by Couchoud et al. (2009) for patients being considered for a non-dialysis pathway. Use of the modified Charlson score (MCS) and the clinical score by Cohen et al.