Hernia was repaired using a tensio and on free mesh technique Pr

Hernia was repaired using a tensio and on free mesh technique. Prophylactic antibiotic (ceftriaxone) was given for 3 days. Foley’s catheter removed after 4 days and the patient was discharged. Six months after surgery, none Selleck Tozasertib of the hernias recurred, but his lower urinary symptoms were only partially relieved by the medical treatment. Discussion Hernias are usually the result of musculo-apponeurotic weakness or secondary to an increased intra-abdominal pressure. Patients with prostatic hypertrophy usually have increased intrarvesical pressure and at increased risk of the development of a bladder diverticula [4]. Femoral hernias are more often

found in females and usually contain small intestine and omentum in their sacs. Reported uncommon contents include cecum, appendix, meckel’s diverticulum

(Littre Hernia), testis, ovary, transverse colon and even stomach or kidney [5]. Urinary bladder diverticula can be contained in inguino-scrotal hernias. To the best of our knowledge, CYC202 cell line there has been only one case reported in the literature of a femoral hernia containing a urinary bladder diverticulum [6], (Table 1). Table 1 Reported case of a right femoral hernia containing a urinary bladder diverticulum Number Age Sex Side Chronic dysuria Author Journal Year 1. 72 Male Right Present N.P. Buchholz et al. British Journal of Urology 1998 Present case 59 Male Right Present Omari AK, Alghazo MA     Bladder diverticula are usually caused by an increased intravesical pressure as a result of infravesical obstruction

resulting from benign prostatic hypertrophy, urethral stricture, bladder neck contracture and others. In our case, the infravesical obstruction was caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy. A long standing history of difficulty of urination, incomplete voiding and straining in the setting of a groin hernia as seen in our case should increase the suspicion for the diagnosis of a sliding inguino-scrotal hernia containing the urinary bladder or a bladder diverticulum. The diagnosis of groin hernia is usually based on the clinical findings. However, it is important to know its exact location, its relationships, and the find more characteristics of its contents before planning surgical Pomalidomide mouse intervention [1]. As a noninvasive technique, several authors report the useful diagnostic application of ultrasonography in determining the contents of groin hernia [7, 8]. In this case, ultrasonography showed the bladder diverticulum as a content of the groin hernia but did not provide solid information about its relationships. Nowadays, CT scan imaging is believed to be the study of choice in correctly localizing the groin hernia, in demonstrating its relationship with the inferior epigastric vessels and in the characterization of its contents [9, 10]. We requested a CT scan study but the patient could not do it due to financial reasons.

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