hispaniensis FSC454 and/or W persica FSC845 as well as low score

hispaniensis FSC454 and/or W. persica FSC845 as well as low scores in clade 1. Only three (11-fopA-in, 14-Ft-M19 and 15-Ft-M19) out of the fifteen markers consistently differentiated

clade 1 from the rest of the Francisella genus. The marker 10-fopA was the only marker completely specific for clade 2 and only marker 24-lpnB was specific for F. noatunensis. Both of these exhibited lower specificity for F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis genomes. Several markers displayed complex amplification patterns. Seven markers (Poziotinib price 02-16S-Itr-23S, 06-atpA, 09-fopA, 29-pgm, 32-rpoA, 33-rpoB, 34-sdhA) had high scores in one or more species or subspecies, e.g. the marker 09-fopA had a low score in all included strains except in F. hispaniensis FSC454 and W. persica

FSC845. Similar results were observed for 02-16S-Itr-23S, 29-pgm, 33-rpoB and 34-sdhA. Four detection markers (16-FTT0376, 17-FTT0523, AZD3965 molecular weight 20-ISFtu2 and 28-pdpD) had missing data (i.e. the sequence could not be found in the genome) for all clade 2 isolates plus W. persica. The markers 16-FTT0376 and 17-FTT0523 had missing sequences for F. hispaniensis and F. tularensis subsp. novicida, except the isolates FSC159 and GA993549, respectively. The marker 21-ISFtu2 had missing sequences as well as mismatches in almost all subspecies represented. A summary of the DNA-marker evaluation can be found in Table 3, and more detailed selleck information, including earlier published results for each marker, can be found in Additional file 1. Table 3 Summary of estimated amplification performance of primer pairs representing

published DNA-based markers targeting Francisella Estimated amplification performance Marker id Amplifies the entire genus 01-16S, 03-16S-Itr-23S, 04-16S-Itr-23S, 08-fabH, 18-groEL, 23-lpnAa, 25-mdh, 30-prfb and 35-tpiA. Amplifies clade 1 but not clade 2 05-aroA, 07-dnaA, 11-fopA-inaa, 12-fopA-outa, 13-fopAa, 14-FTM19b, 15-FTM19, 19-iglCac, 22-lpnAa, 26-mutS, 27-parCc, 31-putA, 36-tpiA, 37-trpE and 38-uup.  Amplifies clade 1 but no other Francisella species. 11-fopA-ina, 14-FtM19 and 15-FtM19a  Amplifies clade 1 as well as F. hispaniensis and W. persica 05-aroA, 07-dnaA, 12-fopA-outa, 27-parCc and 36-tpiA.  Amplifies clade 1 as well as F. hispaniensis 13-fopAa, 19-iglCc, 22-lpnA, 31-putA, 37-trpE and 38-uup. Phosphoprotein phosphatase  Amplifies clade 1 as well as W. persica 26-mutS Amplifies clade 2 but not clade 1 10-fopA Amplifies noatunensis but not the other species 24-lpnB Amplifies all isolates except some certain species. 02-16S-Itr-23S, 06-atpA, 09-fopA, 29-pgm, 32-rpoA, 33-rpoB and 34-sdhA.  Amplifies all except F. hispaniensis and W. persica 09-fopA  Amplifies all except F. hispaniensis 33-rpoB  Amplifies all except F. tularensis, W. persica and F. hispaniensis 34-sdhA  Amplifies all except W. persica 02-16S-Itr-23S, 29-pgm  Amplifies all except F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis 06-atpA  Amplifies all except F.

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