Our results demonstrate the neuroprotective effects of –Cu, −Cu+M

Our results demonstrate the neuroprotective effects of –Cu, −Cu+Mn and +Mn diets in a murine model of scrapie. However, neuronal death induced by infection with prions seems to be independent of apoptosis marker signalling. Moreover, copper-modified diets were neuroprotective against the possible toxicity of the prion transgene in Tga20 control and infected mice even though manganese supplementation could not counteract this toxicity. “
“We report a clinical case report AZD2281 of the MV2K+C subtype of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). The patient was a 72-year-old woman who exhibited progressive dementia over the course of 22 months. Diffusion-weighted

MRI during this period showed abnormal hyperintensity in the cerebral cortex in the early stage. The clinical course was similar to that of previously reported patients with the MV2K or MV2K+C subtype of sCJD. However, histopathological examination revealed unique features: severe extensive spongiform changes with perivacuolar deposits in the cerebrum and basal ganglia, plaque-like PrP deposits in the cerebrum, and only mild changes in the cerebellum with small amyloid plaques (∼20 μm in diameter), smaller than those in the MV2K subtype or variant CJD (40–50 μm in diameter). Molecular analysis showed a methionine/valine heterozygosity Ixazomib at codon 129 and no pathogenic mutation in

the PrP gene (PRNP). Western blot analysis of the protease-resistant PrP (PrPSc) in the right temporal pole revealed the type 2 pattern, which is characterized by a single unglycosylated band, in contrast to the doublet described for the typical MV2 subtype of sCJD. The other intermediate band might exist in the cerebellum with kuru plaques. Therefore, small amyloid plaques in the cerebellum can be crucial for MV2K+C subtype. “
“Frequencies of typical myohistological changes such as ragged red fibers (RRF) and cytochrome c oxidase (COX)-deficient fibers have been suggested

to be dependent on underlying mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) defect. However, there are no systematic studies comparing frequencies of myohistological changes and underlying genotypes. others The histopathological changes were analysed in 29 patients with genetically confirmed mitochondrial myopathies. Genotypes included multiple mtDNA deletions due to POLG1 mutations (n = 11), single mtDNA deletion (n = 10) and mtDNA point mutation m.3243A>G (n = 8). Histochemical reactions, including Gomori-trichome, COX/SDH (succinate dehydrogenase) and SDH as well as immunohistological reaction with COX-antibody against subunit I (COI) were carried out in muscle biopsy sections of all patients. The COX-deficient fibers were observed most frequently in all three patient groups. The frequencies of myopathological changes were not significantly different in the different genotypes in all three histochemical stains.

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