Patients with intermediate risk underwent LRP or


Patients with intermediate risk underwent LRP or

RALP . Anesthetic protocol The patients did not receive premedication. In the TIVA-TCI group, anaesthesia was induced with propofol (DiprivanTM, SB431542 ASTRA-Zeneca, Milano, Italy) 6 μg ml−1 and remifentanyl (UltivaTM, GlaxoSmith-Kline AB, Verona, Italy) 0.4-1 μg kg−1 min, simultaneously selleck compound administered using two separate modules of a continuous computer-assisted TCI system. Anaesthesia was maintained with propofol 4 μg ml−1 and remifentanil 0.25 μg Kg−1 min. This infusion was modified by 0.05 μg kg−1 min steps according to analgesic needs. In the BAL group, anaesthesia was induced with midazolam (Hameln pharmaceuticals Gmbh, Hameln, Germany) 0.1 mg kg−1 and fentanyl (FentanestTM, Pftzer, Latina, Italy) 1.5 μg kg−1 Anaesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane (SevoraneTM, Abbott, Latina, Italy) 2.0% , oxygen 40% and air 70% with positive pressure ventilation in a circle system, in order to achieve normocapnia. In both groups, cisatracurium besylate (NimbexTM, Glaxo Smith Kline) 0.1-0.5 mg kg−1 was given to facilitate orotracheal intubation with a cuffed tube, followed by the continuous application of 0.06-0.12 mg kg−1 h−1

via infusion pumps. Pneumoperitoneum was created by intraperitoneal insufflation of CO2 with an insufflation pressure of 13–15 mmHg and patient in the supine position. Patients learn more were then placed in the steep Trendelenburg position (30° from horizontal). Intraperitoneal

pressure was maintained at 15 mmHg during the induced pneumoperitoneum. A routine anaesthesia monitoring was performed on all patients (Table 1). Table 1 Clinical characteristics and peri-operative data of patients with prostate cancer of who underwent surgery with TIVA-TCI or BAL anaesthesia   TIVA-TCI (n. 54) BAL (n. 48) P Clinical data          Age (yrs) 60.66 (5.91) 62.16 (6.23) 0.31    Venous thromboembolism risk          Highest risk 54 (100%) 48 (100%) 1    Prostate cancer risk*          Intermediate-risk 26 (48.1%) 30 (62.5%)      High-risk 28 (51.8%) 18 (37.5%) 0.17    ASA, n (%):          I 4 (7.4%) 6 (12.5%)      II 50 (92.6%) 42 (87.5%) 0.39    Histological grade of cancer          G2 (Gleason 5–6) 15 (27.8%) 14 (29.2)      G3 (Gleason 7–10) 39 (72.2%) 34 (70.8%) 0.88    pT, n (%)          2 30 (55.6%) 32 (66.7%) 0.25    3 24 (44.4%) 16 (33.3%)      pN, n (%) #          0 17 (85.0%) 24 (96.0%) 0.20    1 3 (15.0%) 1 (4.0%)   Peri-operative data          Type of surgery          LRP 36 (66.7%) 34 (70.8%) 0.65    RALP 18 (33.3%) 14 (29.2%)      Time of anaesthesia (min) 107.5 (16.8) 101.4 (26.2) 0.26    Blood loss (ml) 123.3 (131.1) 121.4 (110.6) 0.81    Total amount of crystalloid received (ml) 468.5 (110.21) 496.8 (198.5) 0.27    Intra-operative body temperature 36.2 (0.3) 36.1 (0.2) 0.83    Intra-operative MAP (mmHg) 104.6 (10.5) 106.2 (10.2) 0.61    Intra-operative SpO2 (%) 96.7 (0.9) 97.8 (1.8) 0.

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