Stratigraphic plots were developed in C2 version 1 5 (Juggins, 20

, 2007) and Rioja (Juggins, 2012). Stratigraphic plots were developed in C2 version 1.5 (Juggins, 2007). Inspection of the sediment core in the field showed an abrupt change in sediment composition between 22.0 cm and 19.5 cm. This change has been observed in other sediment Buparlisib molecular weight cores from the lake basin and is therefore considered basin wide. Based on 210Pb and 14C dating, this abrupt change in sediment composition was found to be associated with a large change in sediment accumulation rates (Fig. 2). Between 22.0 cm and 50.5 cm the sediment accumulated over ca. 7100

years (6306 ± 40 14C yr BP/7257 cal yr BP), while between 18.0 and 0 cm the sediment accumulated in just the last ca. 100 years (Fig. 2). Sedimentation rates were 0.1 mm yr−1 from the base of the core to 27.0 cm and declined to 0.04 mm yr−1 to 22.0 cm (Fig. 2a). Sedimentation rates in the upper 18.0 cm of the core were more than 10 times higher (1.3 mm yr−1) with a period of CHIR-99021 mw particularly rapid sedimentation between 10.0 and 6.0 cm (7.4 mm yr−1; Fig. 2b). Extrapolation of the 210Pb age-depth model based on the constant sedimentation between 10.0 and 18.0 cm (Fig.

2b) places the abrupt change in sediment composition at 19.5 cm to ca. AD 1898. Below a transition between 19.5 and 22.0 cm the sediments were composed of dense predominantly grey clays with relatively low water content (mean 32.9% below 19.5 cm) and low organic content (mean TC 1.1% and mean TN 0.1%). Large plant macrofossils (>600 μm) were rare to absent below 17.5 cm (Fig. 3). Above 19.5 cm the sediment was much less consolidated with a twofold increase in water content (mean 56.6%) and a fourfold increase in organic content (mean TC 4.2% and mean TN 0.4%) reaching maximum values at 13.5 cm (6.6% and 0.06%, respectively) (Fig. 3). TC:TN ratios remained relatively stable between of 5.83 (0 cm) to 11.77 (31.0 cm), but show a general shift to a higher and more stable ratio of TC:TN above the transition. TS was very low or undetectable throughout the core, apart from a peak at 18.0 cm (2.1%). The abundance of large Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 plant macrofossils

(>600 μm) increased dramatically above 17.5 cm, peaking at 13.5 cm then virtually disappearing above 7.0 cm (Fig. 3). Ninety diatom taxa were identified. Of these, 74 taxa occurred with a relative abundance ≥ 1% in one or more samples and 14 had maximum relative abundances ≥10% in ≥2 samples (Fig. 4). Diatom assemblages were dominated by benthic and epiphytic taxa, and showed clear assemblage shifts through the core. Staurosira circuta Van de Vijver & Beyens and Staurosira martyi (Héribaud) Lange-Bertalot dominated the record from the base of the core to 37.0 cm ( Fig. 4). A significant change in the species’ assemblages occurred at 37.0 cm with the appearance of Cavinula pseudoscutiformis (Hust.) D.G. Mann & Stickle in Round, Crawford & Mann, and Fragilaria sp.

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