The medial extent of the imaged field of view was approximately 22–23 mm from the midline, and the lateral extent of the field overlies the region Screening Library surrounding
the inferior occipital sulcus where the foveal representation is found (Gattass et al., 1988). Using single horizontal or vertical bars, we obtained a coarse retinotopic map of the exposed V4 area. It is notable that, even with large-field imaging, we could only image about 6°–9° of V4 (Figure S1 available online). Based on the sulcal pattern, it is possible that the most lateral extent of our imaging window encroached upon superior visual fields (Gattass et al., 1988). There are no published images of the functional organization in this foveal region of V1, V2, and V4 in the macaques. In each case, basic functional maps were obtained, including maps for ocular dominance, orientation preference, and color preference. Functional maps in Figures 1C–1I were imaged from the same cortical region in a single imaging session. buy SB431542 Each of these maps is a t-value map (t-map),
which compares two stimulus conditions (illustrated below each map). T-maps are similar to traditional subtraction maps (e.g., for A versus B t-map, dark pixels are preferentially activated by stimulus A; and white pixels are preferentially activated by stimulus B). Each pixel value is a paired t value obtained by comparing the pixel’s response to two stimulus conditions (see Experimental Procedures for additional details). Unlike simple subtraction maps, which only use the mean pixel values, t-maps take into account trial-to-trial variations and thus are a more reliable indicator of significant response than are subtraction maps (see Figure S2 for a comparison of these two types of maps). The V1/V2 border (the lower dotted line in Figure 1C) was revealed by imaging ocular dominance in V1 using left eye versus right eye stimulation. Thus, based on ocular dominance imaging and sulcal locations, we were able to define the extents of V1, V2, and V4 within the imaging field of view. To examine the functional organization of
neurons responding to color and orientation, we mapped color preference by comparing color versus luminance conditions (Figure 1D) and orientation preference by comparing MRIP orthogonal orientation conditions (Figures 1E and 1F). We found color and orientation preference maps in all three areas (V1, V2, and V4). In V1, the color blob pattern (lower left area in Figure 1D) is similar to what has been previously described (Lu and Roe, 2008). The orientation preference map in V1 (lower area of Figures 1E and 1F) is apparent but is relatively weak, perhaps due to the spatial parameters of the stimuli. In V2, color-responsive regions only occupy restricted regions (Figure 1D, short red lines on V1/V2 border and lunate lines).