The source of the eye position signal that modulates visual responses to create the gain fields is unknown. The steady-state responses and the immediate postsaccadic responses
of the consistent cells could Ipatasertib datasheet arise from a corollary discharge, but the slow time course is more consistent with that of the proprioceptive eye position signal in area 3a of somatosensory cortex, which lags eye position by an average of 60 ms (Xu et al., 2011). Oculomotor proprioception could provide visual gain fields in LIP with eye position information, just as neck proprioception likely provides head gain fields in LIP with head-on-body information (Snyder et al., 1998). It is important to note, however, that lesions see more in the proprioceptive pathway have no noticeable effect on monkeys’ performance in the double-step task (Guthrie et al., 1983). It is more likely that the proprioceptive signal is used for calibration of the oculomotor system than for moment-to-moment control of saccades (Lewis et al., 1994). Another possible source of the eye position signal could be the calculated signal described by Morris et al. (2012).
These authors measured the activity of neurons in LIP when the monkey made a saccade to a position outside the neurons’ receptive fields, without flashing a second target elsewhere. They noted that this baseline activity increased in one direction of saccades and decreased in the other direction. By subtracting the off-activity from the on-activity and comparing this to the steady-state eye position signal, the authors were able to calculate an eye position signal that nicely resembled the actual eye position. In LIP, this
calculated signal lagged the eye position by approximately 200 ms, which closely approximates the temporal delay of the gain fields observed in our study. The signal that modulates the visual responses of the inconsistent cells during the immediate postsaccadic period is more difficult to understand. The most likely possibility is that the activity arises from differences in saccade trajectory rather than eye position, although our experiments were not designed to test this Mephenoxalone hypothesis explicitly. Alternatively, the postsaccadic modulation could come from a different source than the one used during the steady state. LIP neurons have a steady-state eye position signal that lags the actual eye position (Andersen et al., 1990; Barash et al., 1991; Pouget and Sejnowski, 1994), but this signal is inaccurate 50 ms after a saccade (Bremmer et al., 2009). It could come from a motor eye position signal, but such a signal has never been seen in the cortex. It could also come from the postsaccadic movement cells in the frontal eye field, some of which begin to discharge immediately at the end of the saccade (Bizzi, 1968; Bruce et al., 1985).