There was no significant

correlation between the frequenc

There was no significant

correlation between the frequency of crabs’ occurrence and the temporal variability of water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH in different months This study provides the first report of the distribution of pea crabs A tivelae in A. umbonella, a new clam host record in Iran”
“In areas of intensive agriculture continuous applications of mineral and organic fertilizers can lead to an accumulation of phosphorus (P) in the soils and progressive saturation of their sorption capacities, increasing the risk of P losses to aquatic ecosystems. The long-term evolution (44 years) of soil P forms has been studied in a factorial experiment combining three soils Bcl2 inhibitor (sandy, clay and a peaty) with three types of fertilization (no fertilizer, farmyard manure and mineral fertilizer). The P distribution in the calcium P (P(Ca)), iron P (P(Fe)), iron + aluminium P(P(Fe+Al)) forms, and the effect of treatments on P availability (oxalate extractable-P, Mehlich-3-P, Olsen-P, water extractable-P) were determined. Two sorption P indices and the degree of soil saturation were also calculated.\n\nSoil P forms were affected by both quantity and quality of P inputs. Farmyard manure GDC-0994 caused a more consistent increase in soil P content, affecting the water soluble and labile P forms (Mehlich-3-P and Olsen-P) in particular. Readily assimilable and potentially mobile P forms

were positively correlated with the amount of high molecular weight humic fractions, thus stressing the importance of the type of incorporated materials and their evolution in determining soil P behaviour. Soils treated with farmyard manure, and to a lesser extent with mineral fertilizer, exceeded the threshold values of 20 mg kg(-1) for Olsen-P and 150 mg kg(-1) for Mehlich-3-P, thus evidencing a potential risk of P loss to water bodies. While in absolute terms the more consistent accumulations were observed in clay and Akt inhibitor peaty soils, the P content of sandy soils is of particular concern, given their lower P sorption capacity and higher degree of saturation. Among the soil P tests, Mehlich-3-P proved to be the best indicator to assess Italian soil conditions for both agronomic

and environmental purposes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is characterized by infection and inflammation of the upper genital tract in women and can cause significant reproductive health sequelae for women. Although a definitive diagnosis of PID is made by laparoscopic visualization of inflamed, purulent fallopian tubes, PID is generally a clinical diagnosis and thus represents a diagnostic challenge. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment algorithms advise a high index of suspicion for PID in any woman of reproductive age with pelvic or abdominal pain. Antibiotic therapy should be started early, and given for an adequate period of time to reduce the risk of complications. Coverage for anaerobic organisms should be considered in most cases.

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