This demonstration shows that the emission of an electron in the

This demonstration shows that the emission of an electron in the conduction band, generally assigned to a (0/+1) donor transition from a donor level cannot be applied systematically and could also be attributed to a (-1/0) donor transition from an acceptor level. More generally, this result can be extended for any semiconductor and also for deep donor levels located close to the valence band (acceptor transition). (C) 2014 AIP NSC23766 Publishing LLC.”
“A strain

designated as S85(T) was isolated from a seaweed collected from coastal area of Chuuk State in Micronesia. The strain was gram-negative, rod-shaped, and non-motile and formed yellow colonies on the SWY agar (0.2 % yeast extract and 1.5 % agar in seawater) Z-DEVD-FMK and Marine agar 2216. The strain

grew at pH 5-9 (optimum, pH 8), at 15-40 A degrees C (optimum, 25-28 A degrees C), and with 1-9 % (w/v) NaCl (optimum, 3 %). The phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that strain S85(T) was related to Lutibacter litoralis CL-TF09(T) and Maritimimonas rapanae A31(T) with 91.4 % and with 90.5 % similarity, respectively. The dominant fatty acids were iso-C-15:0, iso-C-15:0 3-OH and iso-C-17:0 3-OH, C-16:0 3-OH and summed feature 3 (C-16:1 omega 7c and/or iso-C-15:0 2-OH). The major isoprenoid quinone was MK-6. The DNA G+C content of the type strain was 34.6 mol %. The major polar lipids were phosphatidylethanolamine, an unknown Ricolinostat glycolipid and two unknown polar lipids. Based on this polyphasic taxonomic data, strain S85(T) stands for a novel species of a new genus, and we propose the name Ochrovirga pacifica gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of O. pacifica is S85(T) (=KCCM 90106 =JCM 18327(T)).”
“Our aim was to assess the velocimetric pattern of the ovarian artery as a possible marker of LH surge in stimulated cycles. A total of 130 women undergoing ovarian stimulation for intrauterine insemination

were randomized in two groups. Each woman was stimulated with 75 IU of recombinant FSH starting from the third day of the cycle. Velocimetric indices of the dominant ovarian artery were compared between patients with spontaneous LH surge and those needing HCG administration to trigger dominant follicle rupture. The pulsatility index and the ratio between peak systolic flow and lowest diastolic flow were significantly higher in women that had a spontaneous triggering of ovulation. These parameters had a high and very significant positive correlation with the dosage of luteinizing hormone. Threshold values of 2.60 for PI and 7.68 for S/D had a high sensitivity and specificity to predict LH surge. These velocimetric results demonstrated that an increased resistance in the dominant ovarian artery is correlated to LH surge in stimulated cycles.

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