Until now, various semiconductor NWs have been successfully demon

Until now, various semiconductor NWs have been successfully demonstrated through diverse epitaxial growth approaches including chemical vapor deposition [9, 10], molecular beam epitaxy [11, 12], and pulsed laser deposition [13, 14]. Vapor–liquid-solid (VLS) [15–18] method has been widely adapted as a common growth mechanism in the forth-mentioned epitaxial approaches. The first successful fabrication of Si whisker on Si (111) was reported by Wagner et al., and they introduced a novel concept of growth approach called the ‘VLS’ growth [15]. Later, Morales et al. successfully demonstrated

the fabrication of crystalline Si NWs by S3I-201 utilizing the VLS approach [16]. In the VLS growth, Au droplets serve as catalysts, and regardless of the materials and substrates utilized, the vapor-phase atoms could diffuse into the liquid-phase Au droplets [17, 18]; from the supersaturated Au alloy droplets, the crystallization KPT-8602 order of NWs can occur at the liquid–solid interface due to the higher sticking TSA HDAC probability at the interface [19–23]. In addition, the metallic nanoparticles were utilized in plasmonic applications such as solar cells and light

emission enhancement [24–29]. The diameter, size, configuration, and even the density of NWs can innately be determined by those of the Au catalysts, and thus, the control of Au droplets is an essential step for the successful fabrication of the desired NWs. However, to date, the systematic studies on the evolution of Au droplets on various GaAs substrates are deficient, and therefore, Adenosine in this paper, the detailed study on the evolution

of the self-assembled Au droplets on GaAs (111)A, (110), (100), and (111)B is investigated. In order to investigate the detailed evolution process, feasible annealing temperatures were systematically tested ranging from 100°C to 550°C as briefly illustrated in Figure 1. Depending on the annealing temperature, the nucleation of self-assembled tiny Au clusters and wiggly Au nanostructures as shown in Figure 1c was clearly observed on various GaAs substrates. At increased annealing temperatures, the self-assembled Au droplets with fine uniformity were successfully fabricated on each GaAs index. The self-assembled Au droplets showed an opposite evolution trend of increased size including average height and lateral diameter with correspondingly decreased density as a function of annealing temperature, and the size and density evolution are systematically analyzed with the atomic force microscopy (AFM) images and cross-sectional line profiles as well as the summary plots. Under an identical growth condition, depending on the substrates utilized, the size and density of Au droplets show a clear disparity among various indices throughout the temperature range. Figure 1 Illustration of the fabrication process of self-assembled Au droplets on GaAs (111)A.

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