18) 51(51.52) 1.130 0.288 female 11(11.11) 19(19.19) Age(year) ≤ 60 9(9.09) 30(30.30) 1.200 0.273 > 60 20(20.20) 40(40.40) Tumor diameter(cm) ≤ 5 17(17.17) 40(40.40) 4.175 0.041 > 5 12(12.12) 10(10.10) Histological grade
1 5(5.05) 16(16.16) 2.030 0.566 2 13(13.13) 27(27.27) 3 11(11.11) 27(27.27) Invasion depth T 1 0(0.00) 11(11.11) 6.116 0.106 T 2 6(6.06) 17(17.17) T 3 10(10.10) 21(21.21) T 4 13(13.13) 21(21.21) Lymph node metastasis N 0 3(3.03) 27(27.27) 10.227 0.017 N 1 15(15.15) 20(20.20) N 2 7(7.07) 19(19.19) N 3 4(4.04) 4(4.04) SIS3 supplier TNM stage II 2(2.02) 19(19.19) 8.108 0.044 III 4(4.04) 10(10.10) IV 13(13.13) 31(31.31) IV 10(10.10) 10(10.10) Lymphatic MG-132 order vessel infiltration positive 28(28.28) 27(27.27) 27.636 0.000 negative 1(1.01) 43(43.43) Vascular infiltration positive 28(28.28) 15(15.15) 46.624 0.000 negative 1(1.01) 55(55.56) Table 2 Logistic analysis on the correlation of CD 133 protein expression with clinicopathological parameters (n = 99 cases) Parameter CBL-0137 in vivo B SE Wald df Sig. Exp(B) 95.0%CI for Exp(B) Gender 0.012 0.017 0.201 1 0.328 1.003
0.972~7.873 Age(year) 0.007 0.018 0.158 1 0.691 1.007 0.875~3.125 Tumor diameter(cm) 0.209 0.123 2.908 1 0.088 1.233 1.334~8.911 Invasion depth -1.238 0.488 6.430 1 0.011 0.290 1.079~12.381 Histological grade 0.181 0.281 0.414 1 0.520 1.198 0.987~3.212 Lymph node metastasis -0.929 0.459 4.102 1 0.043 0.395 1.156~18.324 TNM stage 1.048 0.636 2.720 1 0.049 2.853 1.138~14.216 Lymphatic vessel infiltration 0.847 0.601 1.568 1 0.067 3.213 1.335~10.954 Vascular infiltration 0.760 0.662 1.317 1 0.251 2.137 0.991~6.872 CD133 mRNA expressions in primary lesion and in NCGT The semi quantitative RT-PCR detection in 31 patients was performed to confirm the expressions of CD133 mRNA in primary lesion (100.0%) and NCGT (16.1%, 5 cases/31 cases)(χ2 = 15.125, P = Pyruvate dehydrogenase lipoamide kinase isozyme 1 0.000) (Figure 2A). Average BSV of CD133 mRNA was 0.3783 ± 0.1411 in primary lesion subgroup and 0.0381 ± 0.0919 in NCGT subgroup respectively
(Z = -6.533, P = 0.000) (Figure 2B). In comparison with average BSV of CD133 mRNA in NCGT subgroup, the increasing range of average BSV of CD133 mRNA was up to 993% in primary lesion subgroup. Figure 2 Detection and distribution of semi-quantitative BSV of CD133 mRNA by RT-PCR (n = 31 cases).