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coli[2] The assembly and incorporation of non-protein ligands is

coli[2]. The assembly and incorporation of non-protein ligands is a critical aspect in hydrogenase synthesis for which we still have a limited knowledge. The newly described role for HupF in this AC220 cost process is probably one of the adaptations to the presence of oxygen, a condition that likely affected the evolutionary

history of this metalloenzyme originated in an ancient, mainly anaerobic period of the biosphere. A better understanding of the molecular basis of these adaptations will hopefully allow the design of oxygen tolerant hydrogenase enzymes for biotechnological purposes. Conclusions Analysis of mutants induced for hydrogenase activity under different conditions indicate that HupF has a dual role during hydrogenase biosynthesis: it is BIX 1294 required for hydrogenase large subunit processing, and also acts as a chaperone to stabilize HupL when hydrogenase is synthesized in the presence of oxygen. The HupF-HupL and HupF-HupK complexes identified in pull-down experiments and mass spectrometry analysis are likely involved in such functions. Methods Bacterial strains, plasmids, and growth conditions Strains and plasmids used in this study are listed in Table  3. R. leguminosarum strains were routinely FHPI molecular weight grown at 28°C in YMB [39]. E. coli

DH5α was used for standard cloning procedures and E. coli S17.1 for conjugative plasmid transfer between E. coli and R. leguminosarum. Antibiotic concentrations used were as follows (μg ml-1): ampicillin, 100; kanamycin, 50; tetracycline, 5 (for R. leguminosarum) or 10 (for E. coli). Table 3 Bacterial strains and plasmids Tolmetin used in this work Strain or plasmid Relevant genotype

or phenotype Source or reference Rhizobium leguminosarum     UPM791 128C53 wild type; Strr Nod+ Fix+ Hup+ [40] UPM1155 UPM791 ( Δhup/hyp cluster) Hup- [19] Escherichia coli     DH5α recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi hsdR17 supE44 relA1 Δ(lacZYA-argF)U169 Φ80dlacZΔM15 [41] S17.1 thi pro hsdR – hsdM + recA RP4::2-Tc::Mu-Kan::T7; (Spr Smr) [42] Plasmids     pAL618 pLAFR1-based cosmid containing the whole R. leguminosarum hydrogenase gene cluster [40] pALPF1 pAL618 with hupSL promoter replaced by fixN promoter (P fixN ) [18] pALPF2 pALPF1 ΔhupL [19] pALPF4 pALPF1 ΔhupD [19] pALPF5 pALPF1 ΔhupF This work pALPF10 pALPF1 ΔhupK This work pALPF14 pALPF1 ΔhypC This work pALPF382 pALPF1 derivative carrying hupF ST gene This work pBBR1MCS-2 Broad-host-range plasmid; Kmr mob+ [43] pKD3 Template plasmid harbouring FLP-mediated excision sequences flanking Cmr gene [44] pPM71 PKD3 derivative containing Strep-tag II sequence for C-terminal end fusion This work pPM1350 pBBR1MCS-2 derivative containing a DNA fragment harbouring P fixN promoter from R. leguminosarum [19] pPM501 pPM1350 derivative containing an NdeI-XbaI fragment harbouring HupF ST under the control of PfixN This work pPM501C pPM501 derivative containing a deletion of the 25 3′codons of hupF This work pPCR2.

5% agar was seeded with 1 ml of C violaceum CV026 overnight cult

5% agar was seeded with 1 ml of C. violaceum CV026 overnight culture, and then immediately poured over the surface of solidified LB agar. After the overlaid agar solidified, several wells were punched on the top of the LB agar to form the well plate. For preparation of the whole cell

reaction mixture, 1 ml of E. coli clone overnight culture was centrifuged and suspended in 1 ml of 100 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.0). Then, 150 μl of the cell suspension (OD600 = 1.2) was mixed with an equal volume of 25 μM N-(heptanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone (C7-HSL) or C8-HSL (Fluka Ltd, SG, Switzerland) and incubated at 30°C, with gentle agitation, for 1 h. The whole cell this website reaction mixture Crenigacestat purchase was boiled (95°C, 5 min) to stop the enzymatic reaction. One hundred microlitres of the reaction mixture was loaded into the well on the plate. The loaded bioassay plate was finally incubated in the upright position at 30°C for 24 h to observe whether adequate colour development was achieved. A violet pigmentation of the bacterial lawn distributed around the wells indicated an absence of AHL-degrading activity. Cloning and expression of aac gene The plasmid DNA pZC09, carrying the aac gene, was

prepared by using Gene-Spin Miniprep Purification Kit (Protech Ltd, Taiwan) and used as a PCR template. The aac gene was amplified by PCR with primers, 5′-GAGGTACCGAAGGAGGACACCGCATG-3′ (forward) and 5′-CGACTAGT TCACTGCGACAGCTTTGTCACCT-3′ (the KpnI and SpeI sites are underlined, the start and stop codons are in italic, the RBS site is in bold font). Template DNA (10 ng) was added to the Sclareol PCR reactions at a final reaction volume of 50 μl (1× DyNAzyme II buffer, 200 μM deoxynucleotide triphosphate, 1.0 μM primer, 2% dimethyl sulfoxide (Sigma Ltd, MO, USA), and 5.0 U DyNAzyme™ II DNA polymerase (Finnzymes Ltd, ESPOO, Finland). PCR was performed in a GeneAmp PCR system 9700 (Perkin Elmer Ltd, CA, USA). The PCR products were digested with KpnI and SpeI and then purified by a PCR-M™ Clean Up System kit (Viogene Ltd, Taiwan).

Eighty ng of the purified PCR product was added into 15 μl of the ligation mixture (50 ng of KpnI/SpeI-digested pBBR1MCS-3, 1× ligation buffer, and 5 U T4 DNA ligase) and incubated at 16°C for 16 h. The resulting construct, pS3aac, was transformed into E. coli DH10B by the heat shock method [31] and screened on LB agar Duvelisib nmr containing tetracycline (10 μg·ml-1), isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG, 50 μg·ml-1), and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-D-galactoside (X-Gal, 50 μg·ml-1). Then, the positive clones of E. coli DH10B (pS3aac) expressing AHL-degrading activity were identified through the in vitro whole cell bioassay. Next, the cloned aac gene was sequenced by an ABI PRISM 3730XL DNA Analyzer along with an ABI PRISM BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Perkin-Elmer).

03 0 74–1 41 Prostate 177 82 0 95 0 76–1 18 – – – 82 0 95 0 76–1

03 0.74–1.41 Prostate 177 82 0.95 0.76–1.18 – – – 82 0.95 0.76–1.18 Kidney 180 10 1.06 0.51–1.94 19 1.03 0.62–1.60 29 1.04 0.69–1.49 Bladder 181 18 0.86 0.51–1.36 20 0.98 0.60–1.52 38 0.92 0.65–1.26 Melanoma 190 10 0.76 0.37–1.40 17 0.52 0.30–0.83 27 0.59 0.39–0.86 Other skin 191 19 1.15 0.69–1.80 18 0.63 0.37–0.99 37 0.82 0.58–1.13 Brain, medulla 193 9 0.97 0.44–1.83 27 1.00 0.66–1.45 36 0.99 0.69–1.37 Thyroid 194 1 0.72 0.02–4.03 6 0.71 0.26–1.54 7 0.71

0.29–1.47 Other endocrine glands 195 5 1.35 0.44–3.14 20 0.95 0.58–1.47 25 1.01 0.65–1.49 Connective tissue 197 2 0.91 0.11–3.28 9 1.77 0.81–3.36 11 1.51 0.75–2.70 Other and unspecified 199 12 1.31 0.67–2.28 29 0.92 0.61–1.31 41 1.00 0.72–1.36 Non-Hodgkin’s Selleck BTSA1 lymphoma 200, 202 23 2.05 1.30–3.07 buy Cilengitide 26 1.07 0.70–1.57 49 1.38 1.02–1.82 Hodgkin’s lymphoma 201 4 2.88 0.79–7.38 0 – 0.00–1.64 4 1.10 0.30–2.81 Multiple

myeloma 203 3 0.71 0.15–2.09 8 0.82 0.36–1.62 11 0.79 0.39–1.41 Lymphoid leukaemia 204 5 1.29 0.42–3.01 6 0.86 0.32–1.87 11 1.01 0.51–1.81 Myeloid leukaemia 205 5 1.64 0.53–3.83 6 0.82 0.30–1.77 11 1.06 0.53–1.89 aOverall no. There was also a significant increase in the incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (SIR 2.05; 95% CI 1.30–3.07) in male workers, and the point estimate was increased also for Hodgkin’s lymphoma in men, but the confidence interval was wide since only four cases were observed (SIR 2.88; 95% CI 0.79–7.38). Female workers showed no evidence of increased lymphoma risks. Cancer of the liver

and gallbladder was find more proportionally more common in men than in women with SIRs of 1.93 versus 0.86 (not significant) based on 11 and 15 observed cases, respectively. Cancer of the uterine cervix was observed slightly more often than expected, but this observation also did not reach statistical significance (SIR 1.25; 95% CI 0.81–1.85). No cases of cancer of the oesophagus were observed in male workers versus 3.71 expected (data not in table), whereas Acetophenone five cases in female workers gave an SIR of 1.33 (95% CI 0.43–3.10). Four of these cases were squamous cell carcinomas and the fifth was an adenocarcinoma.

The extraction of natural abrin with high purity is the key in pr

The extraction of natural abrin with high purity is the key in production of polyclonal antibody, which determines the quality of induced antibody. However, the process of the purification of abrin from seeds of A. precatorius was complicated due to the existence of abundant agglutinin that

possesses nearly identical galactose-binding properties as abrin. Given their differences in galactose-binding avidity and molecular mass between the abrin and agglutinin, a two-step purification was exploited to separate abrin from raw extracts SHP099 mw (Figure 3). As shown in Figure 2, the purified abrin in the final step could be broken into two subunits under see more reducing condition, and the sizes of bands were in accordance with their theoretical molecular weight. In addition, the purity was over 95% by Quantity One software analysis (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA, USA). After being inactivated with formalin, the abrin toxoid was used to produce polyclonal antibody. In this experiment, the as-prepared antibody could yield a positive result by ELISA under 100,000-fold dilution, which reflected the good immunogenicity of the abrin toxoid and good affinity of the antibodies. Figure 3

SDS-PAGE analysis of purified abrin. M, protein marker; 1, raw extract; 2, purified abrin by the first step; 3, purified abrin by the second step under nonreducing condition; DAPT price 4, purified abrin by the second step under reducing condition. Characterization of microfluidic chip The assembled microchip is shown in Figure 4. From the appearance, it resembled a traditional lateral flow (LF) test strip except for its width (1 mm) and gold-coated substrate. The SEM image showed the BCKDHA micropillar array on the chip. The micropillars were about 50 μm high and had a diameter of 35 μm and a center-to-center distance of 90 μm. The flow rate of PBS was about 4 mm/s on the chip. In this experiment, the design of microchip referred to the microstructure of micropost array of 4castchip® developed by Åmic AB [17, 18].

It is important to note that the LF strip is one of the most successful commercial POCT products. So far, there was no available commercial POCT product that overmatches the lateral flow test strip in cost and universality of application. However, the main weaknesses of the colloidal gold or latex-based traditional LF test trip are sensitivity and quantitation as a result of the intrinsic property of the cellulose membrane [19–22]. Particularly, it is only the superficial colorimetric signal that could be used for quantitation, while the deep signal in the membrane is lost. The planar structure of 4castchip® addressed the problem well and retained the capability of capillary-driven force. However, it is obvious that the cost for sputtering noble metal will be high if this structure is wholly introduced into the SERS-based chip.

Papilla central, up to 100 μm high, black,

with a pore-li

Papilla central, up to 100 μm high, black,

with a pore-like ostiole (Fig. 27a and c). Peridium 30–40 μm wide upper part, 6–23 μm wide near the base, 1-layered, composed of brown pseudoparenchymatous cells of textura angularis, cell wall 2–3 μm thick (Fig. 27b). Hamathecium of dense, long trabeculate pseudoparaphyses, 0.8–1.5 μm broad, 4EGI-1 price anastomosing mostly above the asci, embedded in mucilage (Fig. 27d). Asci 90–110 × 7.5–10 μm (\( \barx = 97 \times 9\mu m \), n = 10), 2–4-spored, rarely 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical, with a furcate pedicel, 17.5–27.5 μm long, with a large ocular (to 2.5 μm wide × 4 μm high) (Fig. 27d, e and f). Ascospores 14–15.5 × (5.5-) 6–7.5 μm (\( \barx = 14.8 \times 6.9\mu m \), n = 10), uniseriate, ellipsoid with buy SRT2104 obtuse ends, brown, 1-septate, distoseptate, slightly to not constricted, capitate (Fig. 27g). Anamorph: Dendrophoma sp., Fusicladiella sp. vel Selleck AZD8931 aff. (Sivanesan 1984). Material examined: UK, England, Norfolk, King’s Cliffe; on dead stem (in ramis emortuis) Rosa sp., Mar. 1850, M.J. Berkeley (K(M): 147683,

holotype). Notes Morphology Didymosphaeria is a widely distributed genus with wide host range (Aptroot 1995). Didymosphaeria was formally established by Fuckel (1870) based on six ascomycetous species, and D. epidermidis (Fries) Fuckel (or D. peltigerae Fuckel) has been chosen as the lectotype species (see comments by Aptroot 1995). Hawksworth and David (1989: 494) proposed to conserve the genus with a lectotype specimen, Fungi Rhenani 1770. The genus had been considered as a depository to accommodate

all types of didymosporous pyrenocarpous ascomycetes. Many workers PI-1840 have tried to redefine the genus and excluded some species. Saccardo (1882) restricted the genus to brown-spored species, and about 100 species have been excluded subsequently (Barr 1989a, b, 1990a, 1992a, b, 1993b; Hawksworth 1985a, b; Hawksworth and Boise 1985; Hawksworth and Diederich 1988; Scheinpflug 1958). Over 400 epithets of Didymosphaeria were included until the monograph of Aptroot (1995). Aptroot (1995) examined more than 3000 specimens under the name Didymosphaeria. The type specimen of Didymosphaeria (Fungi Rhenani 1770) represents the widespread and common D. futilis (Aptroot 1995). In this study, we did not get the lectotype specimen, but described the type of D. futilis (Sphaeria futilis). Using a narrow concept (ignoring differences of host or country of origin), Aptroot (1995) accepted only seven species, which were closely related with the generic type of Didymosphaeria with over 100 synonyms distributed among them. Many taxa were found to belong to other groups, i.e. Aaosphaeria, Amphisphaeria, Astrosphaeriella, Dothidotthia, Flagellosphaeria, Kirschsteiniothelia, Megalotremis, Montagnula, Munkovalsaria, Mycomicrothelia, Parapyrenis or Phaeodothis.

Following 2 hours pre-hybridization at 42°C, the membranes were h

Following 2 hours pre-hybridization at 42°C, the membranes were hybridized with denatured probe at 42°C, with continuous, gentle agitation in a hybridization solution containing 50% formamide, 5X SSC, 5% blocking reagent, 0.1% N-lauryl sarcosine and 0.02% SDS. The membranes were washed three times in 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS and then three times in 0.1% SSC, 0.1% SDS. Signal was detected using the DIG nucleic acid detection kit (Roche) in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Table 1 Oligonucleotides used selleckchem in this study Primer designation oligonucleotides Target/application Predicted product Reference/source CVD432F 5′-CTG GCG AAA GAC TGT ATC AT-3′ AA probe (CVD 432) 629 bp [43] CVD432R 5′-CAA TGT ATA GAA ATC CGC TGT T-3′       aapF 5′-CTT GGG TAT CAG CCT GAA TG-3′ aap, encoding the enteroaggregative E. coli plasmid-borne anti-aggregation protein, dispersin 310 bp [44] aapR 5′-AAC CCA TTC GGT TAG AGC AC-3′       aggAF SHP099 supplier 5′-TTA GTC TTC TAT CTA GGG-3′ aggA, encoding the structural subunit of aggregative

adherence fimbriae I 450 bp [17] aggAR 5′-AAA TTA ATT CCG GCA TGG-3′       aggRF 5′-CTA ATT GTA CAA TCG ATG TA-3′ aggR, encoding the enteroaggregative E. coli plasmid-borne aggregative adherence regulator 457 bp [44] aggRR 5′-AGA GTC CAT CTC TTT GAT AAG-3′       M13F 5′-GGT TTT CCC AGT CAC GAC-3′ Vector priming sequencing primer Not applicable   M13R 5′-CAG GAA ACA GCT ATG ACC-3′ Vector priming sequencing primer Not applicable   aafBdaaDF 5′-CCTGCGGGATGTTACT-3′

aafB from EAEC and daaD from DAEC 333/339 This study aafBdaaDR 5′-GCCATCACATCAAAAA-3′       HEp-2 adherence assay HEp-2 adherence tests were performed as described by Vial et al. [16]. Bacteria were cultured in LB broth without shaking at 37°C overnight. HEp-2 cell monolayers were cultured overnight in 8-well chamber slides to 50% confluence in high click here glucose DMEM with foetal bovine serum, streptomycin and penicillin (Invitrogen) and then washed three times with PBS. 300 μL of high-glucose Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) DMEM media containing 1% mannose (without foetal bovine serum and antibiotics) and 10 μL of bacterial culture was added to each chamber. After 3h incubation, the media was aspirated and the monolayer washed three times with PBS. The cells were fixed for 20 minutes with 70% methanol and then stained for 20 minutes with a 1:40 dilution of Giemsa in PBS. Adherence patterns were observed using oil immersion light microscopy at 1000x magnification. All bacterial isolates were tested in duplicate and replicates were read by two different individuals. Sequence analyses The EAEC 042 genome sequence was accessed from Escherichia coli and Shigella spp. comparative Sequencing Group at the Sanger Institute, and can be accessed at http://​www.​sanger.​ac.​uk/​Projects/​Escherichia_​Shigella/​. All other sequences were retrieved from GenBank. The 042 daaC cross-hybridizing region was identified by nucleotide BLAST, employing a BLOSUM62 matrix with a low complexity filter.

) Finally, unlike with macro-organisms,

) Finally, unlike with macro-organisms, Alvocidib nmr researchers are often unable to directly observe and characterize microbes and their traits in situ[12, 13]. The taxonomic/phylogenetic and functional genes of environmental microbes are now commonly sequenced, but it is still very difficult

to link the taxonomy of an individual microbe to the environmental functions it see more carries out. These differences create methodological issues when discrete, taxonomic-based metrics are used to analyze microbial community datasets. The culture-independent approaches employed by microbial ecologists usually survey a variety of genes, intergenic spacers, and transcripts, which are typically classified into discrete, taxonomic bins called Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). Homologous genetic fragments that share less than a certain percentage of nucleotide polymorphisms are classified as being in the same genus or species (e.g., 97% similarity of the 16S gene is widely uses for “species”) [14–16]. This cutoff fails to adequately

include the homology (and thus shared ecological function) with which the species concept was originally conceived. The limitations of applying traditional diversity indices to microbial datasets lacking clear species delineations leave a number of questions: How can we quantify diversity using methods that are better suited for microbial datasets which span multiple domains of life? Does including similarity Baf-A1 in our analyses change our interpretation of

patterns of microbial diversity? What is the utility of including multiple dimensions of microbial diversity (i.e., taxonomic and phylogenetic) in our analyses? One promising new way to analyze microbial community diversity and address these questions is through the use of diversity profiles, which were recently developed by Leinster & Cobbold [17, 18]. These profiles are graphs that are used to display effective numbers of diversity (i.e., effective diversities). Effective diversities are mathematical generalizations of previous indices acetylcholine that behave much more intuitively, satisfying a number of desirable mathematical properties that provide meaningful percentage and ratio comparisons [19]. This is useful because many indices that have been traditionally used to describe macro-organismal community diversity and evenness can be quantitatively unintuitive (Inverse Simpson’s Diversity Index, Shannon’s Entropy, Gini-Simpson Index, etc.). For example, a community comprised of 10 hawks and 10 hummingbirds might experience a 50% decrease of both species, resulting in five hawks and five hummingbirds, but this change would not manifest as a 50% decrease in either Simpson Diversity or Shannon Diversity. Due to this, Hill [19] and later Jost [20] formulated effective number diversity metrics, which are simple entropies weighted by an order parameter, q.

A recent study showed that the replication-defective HSV-2 recomb

A recent study showed that the replication-defective HSV-2 recombinant dl5-29 was more effective than the HSV-2-gD-based subunit vaccine in inducing HSV-2-specific neutralizing antibodies and CD8+ T-cell response in mice [43]. CJ9-gD is an HSV-1 recombinant defective at level of viral DNA replication, and therefore, similar to dl5-29, capable of expressing a broad spectrum of viral antigens. In addition, it has a unique dominant-negative effect on viral replication (UL9-C535C expression) and

expresses high levels of the major HSV-1 antigen gD at the immediate-early phase of infection [27]. Immunization with CJ9-gD led to Selleckchem CHIR99021 220-fold reduction in the yield of challenge wild-type HSV-2 in genital swabs materials on day 2 post-challenge STI571 datasheet compared with mock-immunized controls. Noting that immunization with gD2/AS04 resulted in less than 14-fold challenge wild-type HSV-2 (strain

MS) viral replication compared with mock-immunized controls CDK activity on day 2 post-challenge, and all mock-immunized animals survived after recovery from primary disease caused by challenge virus [20], our study suggests that CJ9-gD could potentially be more efficacious than gD2 subunit vaccine against HSV-2 genital disease. It will be interesting to test the vaccine efficacy of gD2/AS04 and CJ9-gD in protecting against HSV-2 genital herpes in the same experimental settings. Moreover, in light of that CJ9-gD expresses high-level of gD, and induction of both effective mucosal and systemic immune responses is likely required for an optimal protection against HSV genital infection, it would be of great interest to investigate the effectiveness of CJ9-gD in induction of humoral and T-cell immunity following different routes of immunization and whether the efficacy of CJ9-gD in eliciting mucosal immune response can be enhanced by gD subunit prime/CJ9-gD boost regimen involving combination of mucosal and systemic immunization

[44–46]. Many type-common and type-specific antibodies as well as T cell epitopes have been identified against various HSV-1 and HSV-2 proteins. Mice immunized with CJ9-gD develop Anidulafungin (LY303366) stronger humoral and cellular immune responses against HSV-1 than against HSV-2, and are significantly better protected against genital infection with HSV-1 than with HSV-2 [29]. These findings are in agreement with the previous reports that in rodents HSV vaccines are generally less effective in prevention of heterotypic HSV infection than homotypic infection [47, 48]. Combined with observations that humans who were previously infected with HSV-2 are less likely to experience re-infection with a heterologous strain of HSV-2 than individuals with prior HSV-1 infection [49–53], it is reasonable to believe, that a CJ9-gD-like dominant-negative HSV-2 recombinant would be more effective in prevention of genital HSV-2 infection than the HSV-1 recombinant CJ9-gD.

Multiplication (staining index) of intensity and percentage score

Multiplication (staining index) of intensity and percentage scores was utilized to determine the result. A staining index of ≥6 was defined as high expression, while <6 was defined as low expression [7]. On the another hand, HER2/neu was evaluated as positive when over 10% of tumor cells

exhibited stained consecutive membranes. Unified selleck compound standards were employed when evaluating estrogen receptors (ERs) and Progesterone receptors (PRs) that exceeded 10% of tumor cells, as shown in the stained nucleus. Statistical analysis Analyses were performed using the SPSS 17.0 software package (Chicago, IL, USA). The relation between CXCR4, CCR7, EGFR, and clinicopathologic characteristics were tested via Pearson χ2 analysis. The same method

was employed to test associations between these biomarkers and biologic-prognostic Batimastat solubility dmso characteristics, such as ER, PR, and HER-2/neu expression. Correlations between two variables were evaluated by Spearman’s rank correlation test. P-values < 0.05 were deemed statistically significant. Overall survival (OS) was estimated through the Kaplan-Meier method and was compared between groups through the log-rank test. Results see more Characteristics of patients and expression of biomarkers in primary tumors Patient and primary tumor characteristics are presented in Table 1. Samples included 200 patients, among which 100 developed lymph node metastasis while 100 did not. Median age was determined at 51 years (37-74). Thirty-nine patients (19.5%) were diagnosed with stage I cancer, 138 (69%) with stage II, 20 (10%) with stage III, and three (1.5%) with stage IV. Table 1 Correlation between biomarkers and primary tumor characteristics   CXCR4 cytoplasmic expression CXCR4 nuclear expression CCR7 expression EGFR expression   Low High P Low High P Low Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II High P Low High P   (n) (n)   (n) (n)   (n) (n)   (n) (n)   age     .842     .409     .169     .299 <50 43 51   38 56   37 57   49 45   ≥50 47 59   49 57   52 54   63 43   tumor size     .539     .106     .945     .525

D≤2 27 41   36 32   31 37   38 30   2 50 56   39 67   46 60   62 44   D>5 13 13   12 14   12 14   12 14   grade     .068     .985     .786     .030* I 6 8   6 8   6 8   9 5   II 59 73   58 74   61 71   81 51   III 25 29   23 31   22 32   22 32   stage     .148     .052     .086     .088 I 22 17   23 16   23 16   22 17   II 61 77   58 80   60 78   82 56   III 7 13   6 14   5 15   8 12   IV 0 3   0 3   1 2   0 3   LN     <.001**     .199     <.001**     .046* negative 59 41   48 52   59 41   63 37   positive 31 69   39 61   30 70   49 51   N     .437     .534     .341     .770 N≤3 11 30   18 23   10 31   21 20   3 11 16   11 16   11 16   14 13   N>10 9 23   10 22   9 23   14 18   ER     .256     .117     .319     .087 negative 49 51   49 51   48 52   50 50   positive 41 59   38 62   41 59   62 38   PR     .115     .084     .249     .